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President Condemns the Government Of Slovakia for Murdering a Bear
Today, The president officially condemned the government of Slovakia, hoping for the dismissal of Slovakia's Minister of Environment, saying that "we need to protect people from bears, not kill them", MBP has Critically Acclaimed his Speech, however, it has been criticized by the Far-right
March 21, 2024
a New Province
A new Province has entered microjapan! its name is Doarando!
March 21, 2024
LS and SU-DCP Win the 2024 Elections
The Results of the 2024 Election Are in, LS won, With SU-DCP in the Second place, the both Parliamentary Clubs Decided to Form a Government Coalition, but most offices remain without change
March 21, 2024
Muchi Kuchi Puchi Changed Her body Turned into An Alicorn
After an Epic Battle, with the Same Allies who helped with the defeat of her step-mother, Muchi Kuchi, her body Mysteriously Transformed into an Alicorn Pony, she now has a happy life on a farm in Kapetto
August 20, 2023
New Terrorist "Dodo" is on the Loose!
Yesterday, the Mayor of Yogan was Impeached, and a person nicknamed "Dodo" Became the New Mayor, He Acts Similar to Muchi Kuchi, but he Streches Someone's Leg and then He makes the person love him, this Power-Hungry Person is Tracked Down by the Police
August 20, 2023
Floorlandiya Invades Microjapan!
A Calvary Has Been Caught on the Floorlandiyan border, supported by the JCH Shanghai Warriors Paramilitary, Microjapanese Allies Arrived Quick To Chase the Invaders, And they Were Blocked Near the Kapetto-Shigotoba Border, Floorlandiya Gave Up and The Army Retreated
August 20, 2023
Muchi Kuchi And Her Family Defeated in the Most Epic Battle in The Microjapanese History
Today, Muchi Kuchi With her Father Started Bombing the Capital of Shigotoba City, But was caught and Help was called from Equestrian Allies and Peaceful Paramilitaries, using a hypnotizing spell, Muchi Kuchi, Her father and grandma changed, her children and others were freed from the "UUU Hypnotizing Magic" except Muchi Kuchi Puchi
August 20, 2023
Muchi Kuchi arrested
Muchi Kuchi Has Been Caught trying to Steal an Artifact from the Kapetto Provincial Museum, after a Police Chase she and her "Sons" had been arrested for 5 counts of Terrorism, She will serve 50 years in jail and her Children will go to a Rehabilitation Center
August 20, 2023
President Condemns The 2023 Nigeren Coup d'Etat and Calls for the Immediate Reinstation of President Bazoum
On 26 July 2023, a coup d'état occurred in the Republic of the Niger when the country's presidential guard detained president Mohamed Bazoum, The Microjapanese President On Stage Said today "It is Unnaceptable to Depose President Bazoum, It is an another Falled nation to Russia, we will Condemn Russia for The Coup and the War in Ukraine, We Must Stop Putin and his puppets"
August 20, 2023
Prime Minister Nezuko kamado found dead near the Floorlandiyan Border
The Microjapanese Prime Minister, Nezuko Kamado, Was Found dead with her Children, during a Presidential Visit to Bathtubia By Car, She Has Been Shot by a Paramilitary Organization, Even though the President and Her Husband tried to defend her, Water had Already Damaged her Brain, She Was Brought to a Robot Hospital But Passed Away on June 3rd, After an Egged Debate, It was Decided that the Next Prime Minister Will Be Xi Monthbamboo "Big Ten Days Bamboo Moon"
August 20, 2023
Muchi Kuchi returns
A Former Rockstar, Muchi Kuchi, from the MKE Band has been found with her family, she Had planned some of the Nazurthean plans during the Microjapanese Civil War, She had been found with child abuse, building a "torture room" in house, she also Illegally Smuggled Drugs to Floorlandiya, and Is the head of the Muchi Kuchi Terrorist Organization, The Minister of Internal Safety said "Everyone who Suddenly Disappears, is a Criminal!, this is a very good Example"
August 20, 2023
Anti-Privatization Act of 2023
To fight Crapitalism, President Huawei Dzialo Annouces the Anti-Privatization Act of 2023, The act has been described as a major step in the development of the country’s economic development without Capitalism and with Socialism, The act was passed by the Korea SCR National Assembly on Monday and was approved by the President and Prime Minister but criticized by some radical capitalists and socialists The radical left criticized the Bill, with one member speaking out on a protest against the bill, he said “Microjapan is already a Socialist State, so we don’t need more regulations” while the far-right criticized it as “The strip away of our rights” But more Far-Rightist s Criticized the bill than the Far-left, which has mostly supported the bill, The new bill will be introduced to Microjapan on Sunday, 26th February on 12:00 AM, it will be introduced with the Microjapanese National Anthem, the critics also have called this bill “the death of Private Property” Now, it is legal to own a company but it will be bought by one of the subsidaries of Korean Orange FSOC
August 20, 2023
Inaguration of President Huawei Dzialo (and his birthday)
it happened, i am turning 36 today and i have been inaugurated, thank you guys for electing me! in this term, i want to focus on Nationalizing Companies, Reducing Crime, and Improving Education and Healthcare‍‍ Have a great day! - Huawei
February 21, 2019
Zombie Horses Outbreak!
Zombie horse outbreak!!!! today (14 January 2023) at 2:39 AM in Pin'quo, Kapetto a horse died in the 82nd School's gym, and spread throughout the city, infecting everyone in a radius of 5 km, but a young genius survivor built a robot for everyone resisting, the zombie horses are classified as the productum quotus horse subgroup, the Police Forces got involved and for now the 0.002% of population, famous scientists like Dr. Eggman have declared to make a cure for zombie horses, anyway, stay safe!
February 21, 2019
End of the Microjapanese Civil War
yay! the war has ended we signed a treaty with the leader of nazurthea and Sonic the Hedgehog Death to Fascism!!!
February 21, 2019
Travel to Microjapan
Today is the day to travel to the places of your dreams. here you can see everything about travel
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