Anti-Privatization Act of 2023

August 20, 2023

To fight Crapitalism, President Huawei Dzialo Annouces the Anti-Privatization Act of 2023, The act has been described as a major step in the development of the country’s economic development without Capitalism and with Socialism, The act was passed by the Korea SCR National Assembly on Monday and was approved by the President and Prime Minister but criticized by some radical capitalists and socialists The radical left criticized the Bill, with one member speaking out on a protest against the bill, he said “Microjapan is already a Socialist State, so we don’t need more regulations” while the far-right criticized it as “The strip away of our rights” But more Far-Rightist s Criticized the bill than the Far-left, which has mostly supported the bill, The new bill will be introduced to Microjapan on Sunday, 26th February on 12:00 AM, it will be introduced with the Microjapanese National Anthem, the critics also have called this bill “the death of Private Property”

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